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  • Bid Policy, Artice IV, Division 20
    Updated On: Sep 273, 2010



    Division           4.20     BID POLICY
    Section            4.2001   PURPOSE
    A)    To establish a clear and consistent bid system policy to allow for operational staffing.
    B)    To provide an equitable procedure for filling operational staffing assignments.
    Section            4.2002  RESPONSIBILITY
    A)    It shall be the responsibility of the Fire Chief or authorized representative (Staff) to enforce this policy in a fair and consistent manner.
    B)    It shall be the responsibility of Burbank Fire Fighters, Local 778 (Union) to oversee the bidding procedure in a fair and consistent manner.
    Section            4.2003   DEFINITIONS
    A)    Administrative Assignment: An employee assigned by Staff to fill a particular assignment. This may include, but is not limited to 40-hr Staff and Special Assignments, Paramedic Coordinator, and HazMat Coordinator. Administratively assigned employees used to fill a department need will have the ability to reoccupy their vacated position, upon completion of their assignment.
    B)    Bid Committee: A committee consisting of one Staff representative and one Union representative whose responsibility shall be to determine the number of available assignment positions, monitor the bid process, make all appropriate notifications of employees and submit a list of successful bidders to Staff for reassignment.
    C)    Bid Process Period: Beginning on or about October 1st and completed no later than November 30th of each year.
    D)    Seniority: The criteria used to determine preference for assignment. For purpose of this policy, seniority shall be in rank as defined by The Memorandum of Understanding Between the City of Burbank and the Burbank Fire Fighters, Local No. 778 (MOU). Memo FA 6C Seniority List by Rank shall be maintained as the reference document for seniority order by rank.
    E)     Short-Term Trade of Assignment: A transfer between two employees for a period of six months or less, typically for the purpose of training opportunity determined by Staff (i.e. Probationary Firefighters, IA coverage, etc.).
    F)     Paramedic and Assessment Paramedic Positions: Positions held by employees who hold a current, valid State of California Paramedic License and who are assigned to staff an authorized Paramedic and Assessment Paramedic position by Staff. Assignments currently include, but are not limited to, Paramedic Assessment Units and Rescue Ambulances
    G)    Hazardous Materials Specialist (HazMat) Positions: Positions held by employees assigned to the station housing the HazMat Company. The department’s goal is to maintain four (standard level) HazMat qualified positions at a HazMat station. Employees bidding into HazMat positions are required to maintain appropriate HazMat training levels and documentation during the term of their assignment.
    Section      4.2004   GENERAL PROVISIONS
    A)    Staff is ultimately responsible for the assignment of employees to fire companies. The first priority shall be to staff companies to ensure the most efficient and effective use of personnel to deliver service.
    B)    Employees serving in provisional assignments shall bid at their permanent     rank. Upon completion of this provisional assignment they will have the ability to reoccupy their vacated position.
    C)    Employees being displaced from their bid position in order to   facilitate a short-term trade assignment shall have the first right to return to that position when it again becomes available.
    D)    Both Staff and the Union acknowledge that in order to maintain operational efficiently a balance of all specialties on all shifts must be maintained. In order to provide for operational effectiveness, Staff may transfer employees in order to balance positions, specialties or total numbers of personnel between stations or the three shifts. Staff shall ask for volunteers to accommodate the operational need. If there are no qualified volunteers, Staff shall transfer the least senior qualified employee to that position.
    E)     Permanent openings that transpire midyear shall be open for bid on the shift in which they occur. If there are no volunteers, Staff shall transfer the least senior qualified employee to that position (i.e. Provisional / Probationary employee).
    F)     Any member may bid into any open position for which they are qualified. Members bidding into certain assignments shall be responsible for the extra duties that come with those positions.
    1)      E16 Captain shall be the BC Aide and will be responsible for all duties assigned. One position per shift on E16 may be filled by an AP Captain or Engineer, or shall be handled by the paramedic rotation from its partner RA.
    2)      The T12 HazMat Captains shall assume the divisional responsibilities for HazMat. If you are HazMat qualified, whether paid or not, you can bid into any open HazMat position at Station 12. T12A Captain will assume the HazMat Coordinator assignment.
    3)      One position per shift on E12 may be filled by an AP Captain or Engineer, or shall be handled by the paramedic rotation from its partner RA.
    4)      The E15 Captains shall assume the divisional responsibilities for EMS. You must be an AP Captain to bid on to E15. E15B Captain will assume the Paramedic Coordinator assignment.
    5)      Paramedics must bid into one of three paramedic openings reserved for each RA. If an AP Captain or Engineer bid on to E12 or E16, the firefighter position will not have to be filled by the rotational paramedic from its partner RA. If the Captain and Engineer positions are filled by non-AP’s then one firefighter position will be held for the rotational paramedic from its partner RA. Assessment Paramedics may bid into any opening available.
    G)    Paramedics, when bidding into companies with an assigned Rescue Ambulance, shall be rotated to both Engine and Rescue assignments at the discretion of the Company Officer.
    H)    It is the intent of both Staff and the Union to oversee the selection process and administer it in the best possible manner. No unilateral decisions or changes shall be made without the mutual agreement between the Fire Chief and the Union. 
    Section      4.2005             SENIORITY BID PROCEDURES
    A)    The selection process will begin on or about October 1st, of each year. Employees should be prepared with their bid once the selection process begins. The selection order will begin and continue as follows:
                1) Captains 
                2) Engineers
                3) Firefighters
    B)    Bid Selection Chairpersons (Chair), the Assistant Chief and a Union appointee, will be constantly monitoring this dynamic process and will halt its progression at any time either party feels that the net agreed outcome may be compromised. That is, the most senior qualified member having a choice of assignment based upon the availability of open positions. Seniority in rank shall be as defined in the MOU. If the process is halted for any reason both parties have agreed to meet and confer and to discuss and resolve the best course of action for a mutually acceptable conclusion to the process as a whole. In an effort to ensure success, this dynamic process demands built-in flexibilityfor all parties involved. It is the intent of both the Union and the Fire Chief to achieve a collective and agreed upon outcome.
    C)    The Chair shall make notification that the selection process will begin using the City email system and a posting in the Friday Bulletin.
    D)    The Chair shall contact employees on long-term absence or leave.
    E)     When the process begins the employee will receive a call from the Chair who will ask where they would like to bid. If the desired assignment is available, and the employee is qualified to fill that assignment, then the assignment becomes theirs. The next senior employee is then contacted to bid on the remaining available assignments.
    Section      4.2006             BID CONTACT PROCEEDURES
    A)    The employee, in rank with the most seniority, will be contacted using the contact phone number(s) in Telestaff and given a choice of available assignments. Each employee may inquire as to previous employee’s selections. If personal contact is not made on this initial call a message shall be left and the employee shall have sixty (60) minutes to call back and make a selection.
    B)    If personal contact is made on the initial call and that employee is unsure of their bid choice, they will be allowed sixty (60) minutes from the time of the initial contact to make a selection.
    C)    If the employee decides to utilize any portion of the sixty (60) minutes to make their decision, they will have to call the Chair at the phone number given at the time of initial contact to confirm their decision.
    D)    If the employee does not call back within the sixty (60) minute time frame, the Chair will make one (1) attempt to call the employee after the sixty (60) minutes has expired. If personal contact cannot be made a message shall be left.
    E)     If the Chair is unable to re-contact the employee at the conclusion of the sixty (60) minutes, the process will proceed to the next person on the FA 6C Seniority by Rank list.
    F)     The employee who was passed by can call the Chair back at any time and make their selection based on remaining availability.
    G)    If a subsequent employee has been contacted in the interim, and has made a selection; the employee that was bypassed will not be able to select any positions that have been filled.
    H)    Assessment Paramedic (AP) positions on E12 and E16 may be filled by any rank. Once the AP position is filled at the Captain or Engineer level, all positions below that rank may be filled by non-paramedics.
    Section      4.2007             ANNUAL REVIEW
    A)    If desired by either the Union or Staff, the conditions of the policy, including procedural, mechanical or technical concerns or recommendations, shall be jointly reviewed on an annual basis.

  • Burbank Firefighters Local #778

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